- 人機介面設計,李青蓉等,國立空中大學印行。
- Elements of user interface design, T. Mandel, Wiley, 全華。
- Essential guide to user interface design: An introduction to GUI design principles and
techniques, W. O. Galitz, Wiley, 全華。
- Interactive System Design, W. M. Newman and M. G. Lamming, Addison-Wesley, 全華。
- Designing OO Interface, D. Collins, Benjamin/Cummings, 新月。
- Developing User Interface, D. Hix and H.R. Hanfson, Wiley.
- Human Computer Interaction, D. Finlay and A. Beale, Prentice Hall.
- 完全 FrontPage 98 實戰,吳明哲等,松崗。
- 影像網頁製作大師 PhotoImpact 4, 許嘉純,松崗。
- 不一樣 PhotoImpact 4, 林哲仲,劉澐編著,文魁資訊。
- Usability Engineering, Jakob Nielsen, AP Professional, 1994.
- Creating Killer Web Sites, 2nd Edition, David Siegel, Hayden Books, 1997.
- Secrets Successful Web Sites: Project Management on the WWW, David Siegel, Hayden Books,
- Coloring Web Graphics, 2nd Ed., Lynda Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1997.
- Designing Web Graphics, 2nd Ed., Lynda Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1997.
- Creative HTML Design, Weinman, New Rider Publisher, 1998.
- Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Ben
Schneiderman, Addison-Wesley, 1997.